Sixth grade is the culminating year for the students of the Academy. The rigorous curriculum continues stressing academic preparedness, time management, and leadership skills. The students have unique opportunities to build on upon the solid foundation developed in the earlier grades. Sixth graders adopt community pillars--Respect, Responsibility, Leadership, and Scholarship--at the beginning of the year to set the tone as the Academy's leaders. Armed with strong academic skills, leadership ability, creative minds, and a strong foundation in their Catholic faith, they are positive role models for each other and for their younger schoolmates.
With a focus on the Old Testament, students study the story of God's people and the fulfillment of God's covenant in and through Jesus Christ. Students have frequent opportunities for prayer and reflection. Friday's classes, held in the MAA chapel, are dedicated to the Readings and the Gospel of Sunday's liturgy. This preparation helps them to participate more fully in the Eucharistic celebration.
Language Arts
Building on prior years, the sixth grade students expand their language arts skills through exposure to quality literature, through thinking and writing critically, through increasing their vocabulary development, and through presenting work orally, verbally, or digitally. Time management skills are cultivated through languages arts class work and the utilization of homework assignments calendars.
Students learn and understand mathematical concepts and solve and compute mathematical problems with the goal of preparing for seventh grade and beyond. Exposure to problems posed on entrance exams is emphasized in the first half of the school year, and students practice these types of problems throughout the year. They study mathematical operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals and also study number theory, graphing ratios, percentages, probability, geometry, algebra, and measurement. The students develop higher-leveling thinking as they review past concepts and expand their ability to deal with deeper mathematical ideas. Using technology to augment their learning allows the students to be ready for the future.
STEM, an interdisciplinary and applied approach in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, uses hands-on, problem-based learning. Integrating STEM into lesson plans and activities allows students to formulate hypotheses, create experiments, and use appropriate tools and technology to present and explain findings with graphs, models, and demonstrations, as well as the use of scientific and technological language. Sixth grade students focus on four scientific domains throughout the school year: life science, earth science, physical science, and human anatomy. During the annual Science Fair, the students present exhibitions based on their inquiry-based learning.
Social Studies
Understanding and utilizing the Five Themes of Geography, the students travel the world, past and present. By studying ancient history and cultures, they better understand those cultures' influences on and connections to today's civilizations. They refine their map skills through examination of geographic characteristics of various continents and also learn about how each area developed over time. Text book instruction is complemented by frequent technology use, collaborative work, class discussions, and various projects.